Lone Gray Wolf Design Jewelry is back home to the Colorado Mountains
I always promised myself that when I retired, I would hook up my RV, and travel until I tired of it (or my budget told me to go home, whichever came first).
In October, I took off, just ahead of a typical Colorado snowstorm, and my adventure began! My first stop was New Mexico, then on to Arizona, and then several months in California. Big Sur was a big draw, but I visited miles and miles of coast line.
The plan was to head back from Phoenix in February, waiting for a patch of good weather in Colorado, but a side trip to Florida became a reality.
I headed home the first of May, and am happily back in my studio! I saw so much beautiful scenery, met many wonderful fellow travelers, and more wonderful locals. I gathered much inspiration for more designs as well.
And the question of tired of traveling or budget? Budget... definitely budget.